Our goal is infinite plastic recycling with bacteria.

Replas Bacteria

Degrading PE While Retaining PP

Tackling a Recycling Challenge: Conventional recycling struggles to separate polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) due to their similar physical properties. Repla overcomes this limitation with bacteria capable of selective degradation, advancing purity enhancement technology.

High-Quality Recycled PP: Repla’s bacterial treatment delivers recycled PP with quality comparable to new plastics, increasing its market value and expanding its applications. This ultimately enhances the profitability of the recycling industry.

Degrade Plastics, Upgrade Purity

How Repla’s Bacteria Degrades PE While Preserving PP

Step 1

Bacterial Action Weakens Plastic Bonds

Step 2

Fatty Acid Plastics Consumed by Bacteria

Step 3

Complete Degradation of Target Plastics

Technical data

Bacteria-Enhanced Recycled PP Properties:

Tensile strength improved by 67% and flexural strength by 29%, making it suitable for use in high-quality applications such as home appliances and automotive components.

Tensile strength

Repla’s bacterial treatment enhances recycled PP properties to nearly 67% of the quality of new PP.

Flexural strength

Repla’s bacterial treatment enhances recycled PP properties to nearly 29% of the quality of new PP.


Novel Bacteria with Plastic-Degrading Activity and Its Applications

Novel Bacteria with Plastic-Degrading Activity and Its Applications

Microorganism isolated from tenebrio molitor larva and having plastic degrading activity, and method for degrading plastic using same

Method for Enhancing the Quality of Recycled Plastics Using Bacteria

Repla begins
new plastic recycling, REALCYCLE




Official +82-70-4667-1828

Sales +82-31-8067-5310

237 Yeongtong-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.

Copyright (C) REPLA. All Rights Reserved.

Repla begins
new plastic recycling, REALCYCLE




Official +82-70-4667-1828

Sales +82-31-8067-5310

237 Yeongtong-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.

Copyright (C) REPLA. All Rights Reserved.

Repla begins new recycling, REALCYCLE




Official +82-70-4667-1828

Sales +82-31-8067-5310

237 Yeongtong-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.

Copyright (C) REPLA. All Rights Reserved.